PURGATON 20mg tablets

Quốc gia: Ai Cập

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Nguồn: EDA (Egyptian Drug Authority)

Tờ rơi thông tin Tờ rơi thông tin (PIL)

Sẵn có từ:


Liều dùng:

20 mg

Dạng dược phẩm:


Thành phần:

Purified extract of senna (equivalent to 20 mg calcium sennoside) 9 L.E

Các đơn vị trong gói:

10 tablets

Sản xuất bởi:


Chỉ dẫn điều trị:

Treatment of constipation

Ngày ủy quyền:


Tờ rơi thông tin

                                Trade Name:
“Tablets “
Each tablet contains
Purified extract of senna
(Equivalent to 20 mg calcium sennoside)
Pharmacological properties:
Purgaton consists of natural glycosides of senna ,sennosides A& B as
calcium salt .It is used in the treatment of habitual constipation .It
increases the peristaltic movements of the colon and speeds the fecal
matter through the cecum and ascending colon by diminishing the ant
peristaltic waves ,resulting in decreased absorption of water and
formation of soft bulky stool .
Atonic constipation.
Irritable colon and colitis, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis,
inflammatory intestinal diseases.
Dosage &administration:
Adults: 2 tablets at bedtime.
Children of age (6-12): 1 tablet at bed+me
Children – (2-6 years old) ½ tablet once daily
Children less than 2 year (not to be used)
Hypokalemia ,hyperaldosteronism ,albuminuria ,hematuria by
prolonged use of senna
Atonic colon, which is secondary to chronic use of senna.
Melanosis coli by prolonged use.
Drug Interactions:
Digitalis glycosides (due to loss of potassium), Antiarrhythmics
indomethacin, nifedipin, estrogen.
Pregnancy &lactation:
The drug should not be used during pregnancy or while nursing.
Boxes: containing 30 Tablets
_ _
_Medicament is a product ,which affects your health and its
consumption contrary to _
_instructions is dangerous for you . _
_Follow strictly the doctor’s prescription ,the method of use and
the instructions of the _
_pharmacist who sold the medicament . _
_The doctor and the pharmacist are the experts in medicines ,their
benefits and risks . _
_Do not by yourself interrupt the period of treatment prescribed . _
_Do not repeat the same prescription without consulting your doctor .
_Keep all medicaments out of reach of children . _
_Council of Arab Health Ministers ,Union of Arab Pharmacists . _
                                Đọc toàn bộ tài liệu

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Tờ rơi thông tin Tờ rơi thông tin Tiếng Ả Rập 23-04-2024

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