Thermometer, electronic, intermittent

Country: Аустралија

Језик: Енглески

Извор: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Купи Сада

Доступно од:

IGC Dorel Pty Ltd


Class IIa

Произведен од:

Microlife Corporation 9F 431 RuiGuang Road, Nei Hu, Taipei, 11492 Taiwan

Терапеутска област:

14035 - Thermometer, electronic, intermittent

Терапеутске индикације:

A measuring device for determining the patient's body temperature. It comprises an electronic unit and an attached sensor that detects and converts the changes in temperature into variations of some electrical characteristic, e.g. resistance or voltage. These variations of the electric characteristics are processed in the electronic circuits and in turn displayed as temperature readings. This device group includes electronic thermometers for periodic or continuous temperature measurement

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