
Country: Аустралија

Језик: Енглески

Извор: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Купи Сада

Активни састојак:

ascorbic acid, Quantity: 73.89 mg/g; zinc ascorbate, Quantity: 19.11 mg/g (Equivalent: ascorbic acid, Qty 16.11 mg/g; Equivalent: zinc, Qty 3 mg/g); sodium ascorbate, Quantity: 11.32 mg/g (Equivalent: ascorbic acid, Qty 10 mg/g; Equivalent: sodium, Qty 1.32 mg/g); glutathione, Quantity: 25 mg/g; Honey, Quantity: 250 mg/g

Доступно од:

Natural Bio Pty Limited

Фармацеутски облик:

Powder, oral


Excipient Ingredients: maltodextrin; silicon dioxide; tartaric acid; citric acid; Stevia rebaudiana; sodium bicarbonate; sodium carbonate; colloidal anhydrous silica; Flavour

Пут администрације:


Терапеутске индикације:

Maintain/support general health and wellbeing ; Maintain/support healthy immune system function ; Enhance/improve/promote/increase (state vitamin/mineral/nutrient) levels in the body ; Decrease/reduce/relieve common cold duration ; Decrease/reduce/relieve the severity of symptoms of mild upper respiratory tract infections ; Decrease/reduce/relieve the severity of common cold symptoms ; Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections

Резиме производа:

Visual Identification: ;

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Датум одобрења:


Обавештења о претрази у вези са овим производом

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