DORC Associate Ophthalmic Surgical System

Country: Сингапур

Језик: Енглески

Извор: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

Купи Сада

Доступно од:

Surgipro Pte Ltd


Class C medical device

Произведен од:

DORC International B.V.

Терапеутска област:


Терапеутске индикације:

is intended for ophthalmic anterior and posterior segment surgery. It provides capabilities for phacoemulsification, phacofragmentation, diathermy coagulation, irrigation/aspiration, vitrectomy, illumination, air/fluid exchange and silicone oil injection & extraction.

Резиме производа:

Device System Info:[System or Procedure Pack], System with accessories; Models: Associate Compact. - 6600-A, Associate Compact. - 6600-B, Associate Compact. - 6600-C, Associate Compact. - 6600-D, Associate Dual - 6700-A, Associate Dual - 6700-B, Associate Dual - 6700-C, Associate Dual - 6700-D

Датум одобрења:


Слични производи

Обавештења о претрази у вези са овим производом

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