Bard Ponsky™ Non-Balloon Replacement Gastrostomy Tube

Country: Сингапур

Језик: Енглески

Извор: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

Купи Сада

Доступно од:



Class C medical device

Произведен од:

C. R. Bard, Inc.

Терапеутска област:

Gastroenterology & Urology

Терапеутске индикације:

Is a soft, silicone gastrostomy tube and internal retention dome with pre-attached external bolster and dual port feeding adaptor. It is intended for percutaneous placement of a long-term replacement gastrostomy feeding and/or decompression device into an established stoma.

Резиме производа:

Device System Info:[System or Procedure Pack], [Sterile Medical Device], packaged sterile with procedural aids (an obturator, two 4”x4” (10cm x 10cm) gauze pads, and a curved aemostat). Sterilized by Ethylene Oxide; Models: 16F - 000707, 20F - 000631

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