
Država: Avstralija

Jezik: angleščina

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Easy Reach Products


Class I


Easy Reach Products 11 Geelans Road, Arcadia, NSW, 2159 Australia

Terapevtsko območje:

10172 - Applicator,

Terapevtske indikacije:

The Easy Reach Lotion Applicator is an assistive mobility aid to use to apply anything to the skin. It is a folding applicator with a removable, replaceable, washable sponge coated in a non-absorbant fabric. It helps with areas that can't be reached like the back, but it also useful for applying messy substances. It is useful in aged care, mobility, pharmacy, sun care, and dermatology.

Status dovoljenje:


Datum dovoljenje:


Opozorila o iskanju, povezana s tem izdelkom

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