Adhesive bandage

Država: Avstralija

Jezik: angleščina

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Kupite ga zdaj

Javno poročilo o oceni Javno poročilo o oceni (PAR)

Dostopno od:

d3 Australia Pty Ltd


Class I


d3 New Zealand Limited 226 Bush Road, Rosedale, Auckland, 0632 New Zealand

Terapevtsko območje:

34864 - Adhesive bandage

Terapevtske indikacije:

d3's range of specialty sports and medical related rigid and elastic adhesive tapes, bandages, dressings, and non adhesive products are intended for sporting and medical applications to provide desired support for muscles, ligaments and joints, compression when necessary, to help prevent injury, and assist in rehabilitation.

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