Polivy Европейский союз - болгарский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh - polatuzumab ведотин - Лимфом, b-Клетъчен - Антинеопластични средства - Полевий в комбинация с Бендамустин и технология на органичния синтез е показан за лечение на възрастни пациенти с пристъпно/продължителна разпространяване на В-крупноклеточной лимфомой (ДВККЛ), които не са кандидати за трансплантация на хемопоетични стволови клетки за трансплантация. polivy in combination with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and prednisone (r-chp) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with previously untreated diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (dlbcl).

Rozlytrek Европейский союз - болгарский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh  - entrectinib - cancer; carcinoma, non-small-cell lung - Антинеопластични средства - rozlytrek as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult and paediatric patients 12 years of age and older with solid tumours expressing a neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase (ntrk) gene fusion,who have a disease that is locally advanced, metastatic or where surgical resection is likely to result in severe morbidity, andwho have not received a prior ntrk inhibitorwho have no satisfactory treatment options. rozlytrek as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with ros1 positive, advanced non small cell lung cancer (nsclc) not previously treated with ros1 inhibitors.

Xofluza Европейский союз - болгарский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh - baloxavir marboxil - Грип, Човек - Антивирусни средства за системно приложение - treatment of influenzaxofluza is indicated for the treatment of uncomplicated influenza in patients aged 1 year and above. post exposure prophylaxis of influenzaxofluza is indicated for post-exposure prophylaxis of influenza in individuals aged 1 year and above. xofluza should be used in accordance with official recommendations.

Phesgo Европейский союз - болгарский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh - pertuzumab, trastuzumab - Неоплазми на гърдата - Антинеопластични средства - early breast cancer (ebc)phesgo is indicated for use in combination with chemotherapy in:the neoadjuvant treatment of adult patients with her2-positive, locally advanced, inflammatory, or early stage breast cancer at high risk of recurrencethe adjuvant treatment of adult patients with her2-positive early breast cancer at high risk of recurrencemetastatic breast cancer (mbc)phesgo is indicated for use in combination with docetaxel in adult patients with her2-positive metastatic or locally recurrent unresectable breast cancer, who have not received previous anti-her2 therapy or chemotherapy for their metastatic disease.

Evrysdi Европейский союз - болгарский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh  - risdiplam - Мускулна атрофия, спинална - Други лекарства за нарушения на мускулно-скелетната система - evrysdi is indicated for the treatment of 5q spinal muscular atrophy (sma) in patients with a clinical diagnosis of sma type 1, type 2 or type 3 or with one to four smn2 copies.

Enspryng Европейский союз - болгарский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh - satralizumab - neuromyelitis optica - Имуносупресори - satralizumab (enspryng) is indicated as a monotherapy or in combination with immunosuppressive therapy (ist) for the treatment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (nmosd) in adult and adolescent patients from 12 years of age who are anti-aquaporin-4 igg (aqp4-igg) seropositive.

Ronapreve Европейский союз - болгарский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh  - casirivimab, imdevimab - covid-19 virus infection - Имунни серуми и имуноглобулини - ronapreve is indicated for:treatment of covid-19 in adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older weighing at least 40 kg who do not require supplemental oxygen and who are at increased risk of progressing to severe covid-19 (see section 4. prevention of covid-19 in adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older weighing at least 40 kg (see section 4. the use of ronapreve should take into account information on the activity of ronapreve against viral variants of concern. Вижте раздели 4. 4 и 5.

Gavreto Европейский союз - болгарский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh  - pralsetinib - Карцином, недребноклетъчен белодроб - Антинеопластични средства - gavreto is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with rearranged during transfection (ret) fusion-positive advanced non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc) not previously treated with a ret inhibitor.

Lunsumio Европейский союз - болгарский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh - mosunetuzumab - Лимфом, фоликуларен - antineoplastic agents, monoclonal antibodies - lunsumio as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma (fl) who have received at least two prior systemic therapies.

Nulibry Европейский союз - болгарский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


tmc pharma (eu) limited - fosdenopterin hydrobromide dihydrate - metal metabolism, inborn errors - Други стомашно-чревния тракт и обмяната на веществата средства, - nulibry is indicated for the treatment of patients with molybdenum cofactor deficiency (mocd) type a.