Qsiva Uniunea Europeană - română - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


vivus bv - phentermine, topiramatul - obezitatea

IBUPROFEN FARMALIDER 200 mg România - română - ANMDM (Agentia Nationala a Medicamentului si a Dispozitivelor Medicale)

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farmalider, s.a. - spania - ibuprofenum - compr. film. - 200mg - antiinflamatoare si antireumatice nesteroidiene derivati de acid propionic

Virbagen Omega Uniunea Europeană - română - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

virbagen omega

virbac s.a. - recombinant omega interferon de origine felină - imunostimulante, - dogs; cats - dogsreduction of mortality and clinical signs of parvovirosis (enteric form) in dogs from one month of age. catstreatment of cats infected with feline leukaemia virus (felv) and / or feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv), in non-terminal clinical stages, from the age of nine weeks. in a field study conducted, it was observed that there was:a reduction of clinical signs during the symptomatic phase (four months);a reduction of mortality:in anaemic cats, mortality rate of about 60% at four, six, nine and 12 months was reduced by approximately 30% following treatment with interferon;in non-anaemic cats, mortality rate of 50% in cats infected by felv was reduced by 20% following treatment with interferon. la pisicile infectate cu fiv, mortalitatea a fost scăzută (5%) și nu a fost influențată de tratament.

A-ferin  HOT pulbere pentru solutie orala 500 mg + 60 mg Republica Moldova - română - AMDM (Agenţia Medicamentului şi Dispozitivelor Medicale)

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bilim pharmaceuticals a.s. - paracetamolum + pseudoephedrinum - pulbere pentru solutie orala - 500 mg + 60 mg

Exagyn 750 mg + 200 mg + 100 mg comprimate vaginale Republica Moldova - română - AMDM (Agenţia Medicamentului şi Dispozitivelor Medicale)

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helba pharmaceuticals inc. co. - metronidazolum + miconazolum + lidocainum - comprimate vaginale - 750 mg + 200 mg + 100 mg

Ferrum Lek sirop 50 mg/5 ml Republica Moldova - română - AMDM (Agenţia Medicamentului şi Dispozitivelor Medicale)

ferrum lek sirop 50 mg/5 ml

lek pharmaceuticals d.d./ljubljana - de fier (iii) hydroxidum cu polymaltosi complexe - sirop - 50 mg/5 ml

Alora 100 mg comprimate filmate Republica Moldova - română - AMDM (Agenţia Medicamentului şi Dispozitivelor Medicale)

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nobel ilac sanayii ve ticaret a.Ş. - passiflora incarnata - comprimate filmate - 100 mg