Multivitamin, sol.or. Republica Moldova - română - ANSA (Agenţia Naţională pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor)

multivitamin, sol.or.

srl euro prime farmaceuticals, moldova - complex - soluţie orală - cabaline, bovine, ovine, caprine, suine, câini, pisici, păsări

Tivicay Uniunea Europeană - română - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


viiv healthcare bv - dolutegravir - infecții cu hiv - antivirale pentru uz sistemic - tivicay is indicated in combination with other anti-retroviral medicinal products for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infected adults, adolescents and children of at least 6 years of age or older and weighing at least 14 kg. tivicay is indicated in combination with other anti-retroviral medicinal products for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infected adults, adolescents and children of at least 4 weeks of age or older and weighing at least 3 kg.

Multivitamin injection România - română - ICBMV (Institutul pentru Controlul Produselor Biologice si Medicamentelor de Uz Veterinar)

multivitamin injection

norbrook laboratories limited, irlanda de nord - nicotinamidă, vitamina a, vitamina b1, vitamina b2, vitamina b6, vitamina d3, vitamina e, vitamina b12, dexapantenol - soluţie injectabilă - alte medicamente - bovine, cabaline, caprine, ovine, porcine - cabaline, bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine În prevenirea şi tratamentul deficiențelor vitaminice, în special în timpul stărilor de boală sau a convalescenţei.

Multivitamin injection România - română - ICBMV (Institutul pentru Controlul Produselor Biologice si Medicamentelor de Uz Veterinar)

multivitamin injection

norbrook laboratories (ireland) limited, irlanda - nicotinamidă, vitamina a, vitamina b1, vitamina b2, vitamina b6, vitamina d3, vitamina e, vitamina b12, dexapantenol - soluţie injectabilă - alte medicamente - bovine, cabaline, caprine, ovine, porcine - cabaline, bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine În prevenirea şi tratamentul deficiențelor vitaminice, în special în timpul stărilor de boală sau a convalescenţei.

Pemetrexed Baxter Uniunea Europeană - română - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

pemetrexed baxter

baxter holding b.v. - pemetrexed disodium heptahydrate - carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; mesothelioma - agenți antineoplazici - malignant pleural mesotheliomapemetrexed baxter in combination with cisplatin is indicated for the treatment of chemotherapy naïve patients with unresectable malignant pleural mesothelioma. non-small cell lung cancerpemetrexed baxter in combination with cisplatin is indicated for the first line treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer other than predominantly squamous cell histology (see section 5. pemetrexed baxter is indicated as monotherapy for the maintenance treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer other than predominantly squamous cell histology in patients whose disease has not progressed immediately following platinum-based chemotherapy (see section 5. pemetrexed baxter is indicated as monotherapy for the second line treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer other than predominantly squamous cell histology (see section 5.

Quofenix Uniunea Europeană - română - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


a. menarini industrie farmaceutiche riunite s.r.l. - delafloxacin meglumină - infecții dobândite în comunitate - antibacteriene pentru uz sistemic, - quofenix is indicated for the treatment of the following infections in adults:acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (absssi),community-acquired pneumonia (cap), when it is considered inappropriate to use other antibacterial agents that are commonly recommended for the initial treatment of these infections (see sections 4. 4 și 5. trebuie luate în considerare ghidurile oficiale referitoare la utilizarea adecvată a medicamentelor antibacteriene.

Pemetrexed Pfizer (previously Pemetrexed Hospira) Uniunea Europeană - română - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

pemetrexed pfizer (previously pemetrexed hospira)

pfizer europe ma eeig - pemetrexed disodium, pemetrexed disodium hemipentahydrate - carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; mesothelioma - agenți antineoplazici - malignant pleural mesotheliomapemetrexed pfizer in combination with cisplatin is indicated for the treatment of chemotherapy naïve patients with unresectable malignant pleural mesothelioma. non-small cell lung cancerpemetrexed pfizer in combination with cisplatin is indicated for the first-line treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer other than predominantly squamous cell histology. pemetrexed pfizer is indicated as monotherapy for the maintenance treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer other than predominantly squamous cell histology in patients whose disease has not progressed immediately following platinum-based chemotherapy. pemetrexed pfizer is indicated as monotherapy for the second-line treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer other than predominantly squamous cell histology.

Stribild Uniunea Europeană - română - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


gilead sciences ireland uc - elvitegravir, cobicistat, emtricitabină, tenofovir disoproxil fumarat - infecții cu hiv - antivirals for treatment of hiv infections, combinations, antivirals for systemic use - tratament de virusul imunodeficienţei umane (hiv 1) 1 infecţie la adulţi în vârstă de 18 ani şi peste care sunt antiretrovirale netrataţi sau sunt infectate cu hiv 1 fără mutaţii cunoscute asociate cu rezistenta la oricare trei agenţi de antiretrovirale în stribild.

Ciambra Uniunea Europeană - română - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


menarini international operations luxembourg s.a. - hemipentahidrat de pemetrexed disodic - carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; mesothelioma - agenți antineoplazici - malignant pleural mesothelioma ciambra in combination with cisplatin is indicated for the treatment of chemotherapy naïve patients with unresectable malignant pleural mesothelioma. non-small cell lung cancer ciambra in combination with cisplatin is indicated for the first line treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer other than predominantly squamous cell histology. ciambra este indicat în monoterapie pentru tratamentul de întreținere de la nivel local avansat sau metastatic cu celule non-mici cancer pulmonar altul decât predominant tipul histologic cu celule scuamoase la pacienții a căror boală nu a progresat imediat după chimioterapie pe bază de platină. ciambra este indicat ca monoterapie pentru cea de-a doua linie de tratament a pacienților cu local avansat sau metastatic cu celule non-mici cancer pulmonar altul decât predominant tipul histologic cu celule scuamoase.

Complex multivitaminic Vitasol Complex Republica Moldova - română - ANSA (Agenţia Naţională pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor)

complex multivitaminic vitasol complex

vitafort, ungaria - complex - soluţie - păsări, гистр, rate, curcani, porumbei, iepuri, suine, viţei, miei