Immunine 1200 IE Norge - norsk - Statens legemiddelverk

immunine 1200 ie

baxalta innovations gmbh - koagulasjonsfaktor ix, human - pulver og væske til injeksjons-/infusjonsvæske, oppløsning - 1200 ie

Immunine 600 IE Norge - norsk - Statens legemiddelverk

immunine 600 ie

baxalta innovations gmbh - koagulasjonsfaktor ix, human - pulver og væske til injeksjons-/infusjonsvæske, oppløsning - 600 ie

Nobivac Bb Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

nobivac bb

intervet international bv - lev bordetella bronchiseptica bakteriestamme b-c2 - immunologicals for felidae, - katter - for aktiv immunisering av katter, 1 måned eller eldre for å redusere kliniske tegn på bordetella bronchiseptica-relatert øvre luftveissykdom. immunitetens begynnelse: immunitetens begynnelse ble etablert i 8 uker gamle katter så tidlig som 72 timer etter vaksinasjon. varighet av immunitet: varigheten av immunitet er opptil 1 år. det foreligger ingen data om innflytelse av moderens antistoffer på effekten av vaksinasjon med nobivac bb for katter. fra litteraturen anses det at denne type intranasalvaccin er i stand til å indusere en immunrespons uten forstyrrelser fra maternelt avledede antistoffer.

Equilis StrepE Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

equilis strepe

intervet international bv - levende deletion-mutant streptococcus equi-stamme tw928 - immunologier for hovdyr - hester - for immunisering av hester mot streptococcus equi for å redusere kliniske tegn og forekomst av lymfeknuderabser. utbruddet av immunitet: utbruddet av immunitet er etablert som to uker etter grunnleggende vaksinasjon. varighet av immunitet: varighet av immunitet er opptil tre måneder. vaksinen er beregnet til bruk i hester, for hvilke en risiko for streptococcus equi-infeksjon er tydelig identifisert på grunn av kontakt med hester fra områder hvor dette patogenet er kjent for å være tilstede, e. stalde med hester som reiser til forestillinger eller konkurranser i slike områder, eller stall som oppnår eller har livery hester fra slike områder.

Mhyosphere PCV ID Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

mhyosphere pcv id

laboratorios hipra, s.a. - mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, strain 7304 (nexhyon), expressing the capsid protein of porcine circovirus type 2a, inactivated - immunologicals for suidae, inactivated viral and inactivated bacterial vaccines - griser - for the active immunisation of pigs:to reduce lung lesions associated with porcine enzootic pneumonia caused by mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. also, to reduce the incidence of these lesions (as observed in field studies). to reduce viraemia, virus load in lungs and lymphoid tissues and the duration of the viraemic period associated with diseases caused by porcine circovirus type 2 (pcv2). efficacy against pcv2 genotypes a, b and d has been demonstrated in field studies. to reduce culling rate and the loss of daily weight gain caused by mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and/or pcv2 related diseases (as observed at 6 months of age in field studies). mycoplasma hyopneumoniae: onset of immunity: 3 weeks after vaccinationduration of immunity: 23 weeks after vaccinationporcine circovirus type 2:onset of immunity: 2 weeks after vaccinationduration of immunity: 22 weeks after vaccinationin addition, a reduction in nasal and faecal shedding and the duration of nasal excretion of pcv2 was demonstrated in animals challenged at 4 weeks and at 22 weeks after vaccination.

Suvaxyn CSF Marker Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

suvaxyn csf marker

zoetis belgium sa - live recombinant e2 gene-deleted bovine viral diarrhoea virus containing classical swine fever virus e2 gene (cp7_e2alf) - live viral vaccines, immunologicals for suidae - griser - for aktiv immunisering av griser fra 7 ukers alder og framover for å forhindre dødelighet og redusere infeksjon og sykdom forårsaket av klassisk svinepestvirus (csfv). onset of immunity: 14 days after vaccinationduration of immunity: at least 6 months after vaccinationfor active immunisation of breeding females to reduce transplacental infection caused by csfv. onset of immunity: 21 days after vaccinationduration of immunity has not been demonstrated.

Purevax RCP FeLV Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rcp felv

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus (fhv f2 strain), inactivated feline calicivirosis antigens (fcv 431 and g1 strains), attenuated feline panleucopenia virus (pli iv), felv recombinant canarypox virus (vcp97) - immunologicals for felidae, - katter - active immunisation of cats aged 8 weeks and older:against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs ;against feline panleucopenia to prevent mortality and clinical signs;against leukaemia to prevent persistent viraemia and clinical signs of the related disease. onsets of immunity are 1 week after primary vaccination course for rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleucopenia components, and 2 weeks after primary vaccination course for feline leukaemia component. the duration of immunity is one year after the last re-vaccination for the feline leukaemia component, and one year after primary vaccination course and three years after the last re-vaccination for the rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and panleucopenia components.

Purevax RCPCh FeLV Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rcpch felv

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus (fhv f2 strain), inactivated feline calicivirosis antigens (fcv 431 and g1 strains), attenuated feline panleucopenia virus (pli iv), felv recombinant canarypox virus (vcp97), attenuated chlamydophila felis (905 strain) - immunologicals for felidae, - katter - active immunisation of cats aged 8 weeks and older:against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs;against chlamydophila felis infection to reduce clinical signs;against feline panleucopenia to prevent mortality and clinical signs;against leukaemia to prevent persistent viraemia and clinical signs of the related disease. onsets of immunity are 1 week after primary vaccination course for rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, chlamydophila felis and panleucopenia components, and 2 weeks after primary vaccination course for feline leukaemia component. the duration of immunity is one year after the last re-vaccination for the chlamydiosis and feline leukaemia components, and one year after primary vaccination course and three years after the last re-vaccination for the rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and panleucopenia components.

Coxevac Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


ceva santé animale - inaktivert coxiella burnetii-vaksine, stamme nine mile - immunologicals for bovidae, inactivated bacterial vaccines (including mycoplasma, toxoid and chlamydia) - goats; cattle - cattle: , for the active immunisation of cattle to lower the risk for non-infected animals vaccinated when non-pregnant to become shedder (5 times lower probability in comparison with animals receiving a placebo), and to reduce shedding of coxiella burnetii in these animals via milk and vaginal mucus. , onset of immunity: not established. , duration of immunity: 280 days after completion of the primary vaccination course. , goats: , for the active immunisation of goats to reduce abortion caused by coxiella burnetii and to reduce shedding of the organism via milk, vaginal mucus, faeces and placenta. , onset of immunity: not established. , duration of immunity: one year after completion of the primary vaccination course.

Purevax RCPCh Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rcpch

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus (fhv f2 strain), inactivated feline calicivirosis antigens (fcv 431 and g1 strains), attenuated chlamydophila felis (905 strain), attenuated feline panleucopenia virus (pli iv) - immunologicals for felidae, - katter - active immunisation of cats aged eight weeks and older:• against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;• against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs;• against chlamydophila felis infection to reduce clinical signs;• against feline panleucopenia to prevent mortality and clinical signs. immunitetstrinn har blitt vist en uke etter primær vaksinasjonskurs for rhinotrakeitt, calicivirus, chlamydophila felis og panleukopeni-komponenter. the duration of immunity is one year after the last re-vaccination for the chlamydiosis component, and oneyear after primary vaccination and three years after the last re-vaccination for the rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and panleucopenia components.