Dectova Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


glaxosmithkline trading services limited - zanamivir - influensa, human - antivirale midler til systemisk bruk - dectova er angitt for behandling av kompliserte og potensielt livstruende influensa a eller b virus infeksjon hos voksne og paediatric pasienter (i alderen ≥6 måneder) når:pasientens influensa-viruset er kjent eller mistenkt for å være motstandsdyktig mot anti-influensa legemidler andre enn zanamivir, og/orother anti-viral legemidler for behandling av influensa, inkludert inhalert zanamivir, er ikke egnet for den enkelte pasient. dectova bør brukes i samsvar med offisielle veiledning.

Revolade Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


novartis europharm limited - eltrombopag - purpura, trombocytopenisk, idiopatisk - other systemic hemostatics, antihemorrhagics - revolade is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with primary immune thrombocytopenia (itp) who are refractory to other treatments (e. corticosteroids, immunoglobulins) (see sections 4. 2 og 5. revolade is indicated for the treatment of paediatric patients aged 1 year and above with primary immune thrombocytopenia (itp) lasting 6 months or longer from diagnosis and who are refractory to other treatments (e. corticosteroids, immunoglobulins) (see sections 4. 2 og 5. revolade is indicated in adult patients with chronic hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection for the treatment of thrombocytopenia, where the degree of thrombocytopenia is the main factor preventing the initiation or limiting the ability to maintain optimal interferon-based therapy (see sections 4. 4 and 5. revolade is indicated in adult patients with acquired severe aplastic anaemia (saa) who were either refractory to prior immunosuppressive therapy or heavily pretreated and are unsuitable for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (see section 5.

Olopeg Norge - norsk - Statens legemiddelverk


mip pharma gmbh - makrogol 4000 / natriumsitrat / sitronsyre / natriumklorid / kaliumklorid - konsentrat til mikstur, oppløsning - 525 mg/ ml / 19.5 mg/ ml / 16.5 mg/ ml / 7.3 mg/ ml / 1.9 mg/ ml

Strefen 8.75 mg/ dose Norge - norsk - Statens legemiddelverk

strefen 8.75 mg/ dose

reckitt benckiser regulatory (scandinavia) a/s - flurbiprofen - munnspray, oppløsning med peppermynte/kirsebærsmak - 8.75 mg/ dose

Strefen 8.75 mg/ dose Norge - norsk - Statens legemiddelverk

strefen 8.75 mg/ dose

reckitt benckiser healthcare (nordics) a/s - flurbiprofen - munnspray, oppløsning med honning/sitronsmak - 8.75 mg/ dose

Binocrit Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sandoz gmbh - epoetin alfa - anemia; kidney failure, chronic - antianemiske preparater - treatment of symptomatic anaemia associated with chronic renal failure (crf) in adult and paediatric patients: , treatment of anaemia associated with chronic renal failure in paediatric and adult patients on haemodialysis and adult patients on peritoneal dialysis;, treatment of severe anaemia of renal origin accompanied by clinical symptoms in adult patients with renal insufficiency not yet undergoing dialysis;, treatment of anaemia and reduction of transfusion requirements in adult patients receiving chemotherapy for solid tumours, malignant lymphoma or multiple myeloma, and at risk of transfusion as assessed by the patient's general status (e. kardiovaskulær status, pre-eksisterende blodmangel ved start av kjemoterapi).

Epoetin Alfa Hexal Den europeiske union - norsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

epoetin alfa hexal

hexal ag - epoetin alfa - anemia; kidney failure, chronic; cancer - antianemiske preparater - treatment of symptomatic anaemia associated with chronic renal failure (crf) in adult and paediatric patients: , treatment of anaemia associated with chronic renal failure in paediatric and adult patients on haemodialysis and adult patients on peritoneal dialysis;, treatment of severe anaemia of renal origin accompanied by clinical symptoms in adult patients with renal insufficiency not yet undergoing dialysis. behandling av blodmangel og reduksjon av transfusjon krav hos voksne pasienter som får kjemoterapi for solide svulster, malignt lymfom eller myelomatose, og at risikoen for transfusjon som vurderes av pasientens generelle status (e. kardiovaskulær status, pre-eksisterende blodmangel ved start av kjemoterapi).

Actilyse 20 mg Norge - norsk - Statens legemiddelverk

actilyse 20 mg

boehringer ingelheim international gmbh - alteplase - pulver og væske til injeksjons-/infusjonsvæske, oppløsning - 20 mg

Actilyse 10 mg Norge - norsk - Statens legemiddelverk

actilyse 10 mg

boehringer ingelheim international gmbh - alteplase - pulver og væske til injeksjons-/infusjonsvæske, oppløsning - 10 mg