SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA 3K-10MK Granule Tsjekkia - tsjekkisk - SUKL (Státní ústav pro kontrolu léčiv)

spigelia anthelmia 3k-10mk granule

boiron, messimy array - 50011 spigelia anthelmia - dilutio homeopathica - granule - 3k-10mk - homeopatika (ČeskÁ atc skupina)

Spigelia anthelmia Nederland - nederlandsk - CBG-MEB (College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen)

spigelia anthelmia

vsm geneesmiddelen b.v. berenkoog 35 1822 bh alkmaar - spigelia anthelmia lmi t/m lmxii, lmxviii, lmxxiv, lmxxx ; 6k, 12k, 30k, 200k, mk, 10mk, 50mk, cmk ; c6, c12, c30, c200 ; d4, d6, d12, d30, d200 ; d3 - globuli - , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , - datum verstrekking handelsvergunning:12 maart 1999

SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA- pink root granule USA - engelsk - NLM (National Library of Medicine)

spigelia anthelmia- pink root granule

seroyal usa - spigelia anthelmia (unii: wyt05213ge) (spigelia anthelmia - unii:wyt05213ge) - spigelia anthelmia 2 [hp_x] - indications for the temporary relief of headaches, eye pain, and breathing difficulty indications for the temporary relief of headaches, eye pain, and breathing difficulty directions adults: take five granules three times daily or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. children: take three granules and follow adult directions.

Spigelia Pentarkan D Tyskland - tysk - BfArM (Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte)

spigelia pentarkan d

deutsche homöopathie-union dhu-arzneimittel gmbh & co. kg. (3115488) - spigelia anthelmia (pot.-angaben); strychnos nux-vomica (pot.-angaben); atropa bella-donna (pot.-angaben); secale cornutum (pot.-angaben); nitroglycerinum (pot.-angaben) - mischung - spigelia anthelmia (pot.-angaben) (01981) 1 gramm; strychnos nux-vomica (pot.-angaben) (01990) 1 gramm; atropa bella-donna (pot.-angaben) (20609) 1 gramm; secale cornutum (pot.-angaben) (02037) 1 gramm; nitroglycerinum (pot.-angaben) (05685) 1 gramm

Spigelia Anthelmia 2CH, 4CH, 5CH, 7CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH, 30CH, 200CH, 6K, 12K, 30K, 200K, 1MK, 10MK, 100MK Granulki; granulki w p Polen - polsk - URPL (Urząd Rejestracji Produktów Leczniczych, Wyrobów Medycznych i Produktów Biobójczych)

spigelia anthelmia 2ch, 4ch, 5ch, 7ch, 9ch, 12ch, 15ch, 30ch, 200ch, 6k, 12k, 30k, 200k, 1mk, 10mk, 100mk granulki; granulki w p

boiron sa - granulki; granulki w pojemniku jednodawkowym; krople doustne, roztwór - 2ch, 4ch, 5ch, 7ch, 9ch, 12ch, 15ch, 30ch, 200ch, 6k, 12k, 30k, 200k, 1mk, 10mk, 100mk