Kids Cold & Flu Liquid

Country: Awstralja

Lingwa: Ingliż

Sors: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Ixtrih issa

Ingredjent attiv:

bovine lactoferrin, Quantity: 3 mg/mL; Sambucus nigra, Quantity: 41.67 mg/mL (Equivalent: Sambucus nigra, Qty 500 mg/mL); ferric pyrophosphate, Quantity: 1.04 mg/mL (Equivalent: iron, Qty 250 microgram/mL)

Disponibbli minn:

Biomonia Pty Ltd

Għamla farmaċewtika:

Oral Liquid


Excipient Ingredients: sucralose; citric acid; potassium sorbate; sodium benzoate; liquid glucose; purified water; xanthan gum; glycerol; Flavour

Rotta amministrattiva:


Indikazzjonijiet terapewtiċi:

Relieve weariness/tiredness/fatigue/feeling of weakness ; Maintain/support healthy growth and development ; Aid/assist healthy red blood cell production ; Maintain/support red blood cell health ; Aid/assist/helps oxygen transport to body tissues ; Maintain/support immune system health ; Helps enhance/improve/promote immune system function ; Maintain/support immune system to fight illness ; Maintain/support cognitive development ; Maintain/support cognitive function/mental function ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Decongestant/relieve nasal congestion ; Decrease/reduce/relieve common cold duration ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of common colds and flu (Linked Indication:Sudorific/diaphoretic/enhance/promote sweating/perspiration); Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Expectorant/clear respiratory tract mucous ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Relieve runny/dripping nose ; Traditionally u

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L-istatus ta 'awtorizzazzjoni:

Licence status A

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