GENUS PS MB tibial insert - Prosthesis, knee, internal, insert component

Country: Awstralja

Lingwa: Ingliż

Sors: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Ixtrih issa

Disponibbli minn:

Adler Ortho Australia Pty Ltd


Class III

Manifatturat minn:

Adler Ortho Srl 9 Via dell'innovazione, Cormano, MI, 20032 Italy

Żona terapewtika:

46585 - Prosthesis, knee, internal, insert component

Indikazzjonijiet terapewtiċi:

Composed of UHMW-PE. Posterior cruciate ligament sacrificing mobile bearing insert, with a central pivot to be coupled to the hole of the tibial component, so that rotation can occur. Post on the central part of the articular surface. Mechanical interaction between the post and the cam of the GENUS PS femoral component allows the roll-back mechanism to occur, avoiding the anterior luxation of the insert. Post and cam show the same radius of curvature, so that shear stress can be minimized. A tibial insert component of a tricompartmental rotating platform prosthesis to be used in PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament) sacrificing TKR (Total Knee Replacement) for primary and revision surgery. Main indications: - Primary and secondary arthrosis - Rheumatoid arthritis - Bone necrosis - Revisions, where other devices or treatments have failed

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