Cefazolin Pfizer

Country: New Zealand

Lingwa: Ingliż

Sors: Medsafe (Medicines Safety Authority)

Ixtrih issa

Ingredjent attiv:

Cefazolin sodium 2096mg equivalent to cefazolin 2000 mg

Disponibbli minn:

Pfizer New Zealand Limited

INN (Isem Internazzjonali):

Cefazolin sodium 2096 mg (equivalent to cefazolin 2000 mg)


2 g

Għamla farmaċewtika:

Powder for injection


Active: Cefazolin sodium 2096mg equivalent to cefazolin 2000 mg

Unitajiet fil-pakkett:

Vial, glass, Type 1 clear with grey rubber stopper, aluminium seal, violet coloured PP disc. 5 vials per pack, 2 g



Tip ta 'preskrizzjoni:


Manifatturat minn:

Aurobindo Pharma Limited

Indikazzjonijiet terapewtiċi:

Due to S. pneumoniae, Klebsiella sp, H. influenzae, Staph. aureus (including penicillinaseproducing strains), and Group A ?-haemolytic streptococci. Injectable penicillin G benzathine is considered to be the medicine of choice in the treatment and prevention of streptococcal infections, including the prophylaxis of rheumatic fever. Cefazolin is effective in the eradication of streptococci from the nasopharynx; however, data establishing the efficacy of Cefazolin in the subsequent prevention of rheumatic fever are not available at present.

Sommarju tal-prodott:

Package - Contents - Shelf Life: Vial, glass, Type 1 clear with grey rubber stopper, aluminium seal, violet coloured PP disc. 5 vials per pack - 2 g - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 30°C protect from light 24 hours reconstituted stored at or below 25°C 96 hours reconstituted stored at 2° to 8°C (Refrigerate, do not freeze) - Vial, glass, Type 1 clear with grey rubber stopper, aluminium seal, violet coloured PP disc. 10 vials per pack - 2 g - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 30°C protect from light 24 hours reconstituted stored at or below 25°C 96 hours reconstituted stored at 2° to 8°C (Refrigerate, do not freeze) - Vial, glass, Type 1 clear with grey rubber stopper, aluminium seal, violet coloured PP disc. 1 vial per pack - 2 g - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 30°C protect from light 24 hours reconstituted stored at or below 25°C 96 hours reconstituted stored at 2° to 8°C (Refrigerate, do not freeze)

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