Thiotepa Riemser Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

thiotepa riemser

esteve pharmaceuticals gmbh - thiotepa - hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; neoplasms - aġenti antineoplastiċi - thiotepa riemser is indicated, in combination with other chemotherapy medicinal products:with or without total body irradiation (tbi), as conditioning treatment prior to allogeneic or autologous haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (hpct) in haematological diseases in adult and paediatric patients;when high dose chemotherapy with hpct support is appropriate for the treatment of solid tumours in adult and paediatric patients. thiotepa riemser is indicated, in combination with other chemotherapy medicinal products:with or without total body irradiation (tbi), as conditioning treatment prior to allogeneic or autologous haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (hpct) in haematological diseases in adult and paediatric patients;when high dose chemotherapy with hpct support is appropriate for the treatment of solid tumours in adult and paediatric patients.

Nodetrip (previously Xeristar) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

nodetrip (previously xeristar)

esteve pharmaceuticals, s.a. - duloxetine - anxiety disorders; depressive disorder, major; diabetic neuropathies - psychoanaleptics, - it-trattament tad-disturb tad-depressjoni maġġuri;it-trattament tal-uġigħ newropatiku periferiku dijabetiku;il-kura ta 'disturb ta' ansjetà ġeneralizzata;xeristar huwa indikat fl-adulti.

Revatio Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


upjohn eesv - sildenafil - pressjoni għolja, pulmonari - uroloġiċi - trattament tal-pazjenti adulti bl-ipertensjoni arterjali pulmonari klassifikati bħala klassi funzjonali tal-organizzazzjoni dinjija tas-saħħa (who) ii u iii, biex itejbu l-kapaċità ta ' l-eżerċizzju. l-effikaċja intweriet fl-ipertensjoni primarja pulmonari u pressjoni għolja pulmonari assoċjata ma 'mard tat-tessut konnettiv. pedjatriċi populationtreatment tal-pazjenti pedjatriċi li għandhom minn sena sa 17-il sena bi pressjoni arterjali pulmonari għolja. effikaċja skont it-titjib tal-kapaċità ta ' l-eżerċizzju jew haemodynamics pulmonari intwera fl-ipertensjoni pulmonari primarji u ipertensjoni pulmonari assoċjati ma ' mard tal-qalb konġenitali. revatio soluzzjoni għall-injezzjoni hija għall-kura ta ' pazjenti adulti bi pressjoni għolja arterjali pulmonari li bħalissa huma preskritti orali revatio u li huma temporanjament inkapaċi li jieħdu terapija orali, iżda huma inkella klinikament u emodinamikament stabbli. revatio (mill-ħalq) huwa indikat għat-trattament ta ' pazjenti adulti bi pressjoni għolja arterjali tal-pulmun ikklassifikata bħala klassi funzjonali who ii u iii, biex itejbu l-kapaċità għall-eżerċizzju. l-effikaċja intweriet fl-ipertensjoni primarja pulmonari u pressjoni għolja pulmonari assoċjata ma 'mard tat-tessut konnettiv.

Keytruda Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp & dohme b.v. - pembrolizumab - melanoma; hodgkin disease; carcinoma, renal cell; carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; carcinoma, transitional cell; squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck; urologic neoplasms; endometrial neoplasms - aġenti antineoplastiċi - melanomakeytruda as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older with advanced (unresectable or metastatic) melanoma. keytruda as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older with stage iib, iic, or with stage iii melanoma and lymph node involvement who have undergone complete resection. non small cell lung carcinoma (nsclc)keytruda as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adults with non-small cell lung carcinoma who are at high risk of recurrence following complete resection and platinum based chemotherapy (for selection criteria, see section 5. keytruda as monotherapy is indicated for the first line treatment of metastatic non small cell lung carcinoma in adults whose tumours express pd l1 with a ≥ 50% tumour proportion score (tps) with no egfr or alk positive tumour mutations. keytruda, in combination with pemetrexed and platinum chemotherapy, is indicated for the first-line treatment of metastatic non squamous non small cell lung carcinoma in adults whose tumours have no egfr or alk positive mutations. keytruda, in combination with carboplatin and either paclitaxel or nab paclitaxel, is indicated for the first line treatment of metastatic squamous non small cell lung carcinoma in adults. keytruda  as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non small cell lung carcinoma in adults whose tumours express pd l1 with a ≥ 1% tps and who have received at least one prior chemotherapy regimen. pazjenti b'egfr jew alkalini pożittivi tat-tumur mutazzjonijiet għandu wkoll rċevew terapija immirata qabel ma tirċievi keytruda. classical hodgkin lymphoma (chl)keytruda as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult and paediatric patients aged 3 years and older with relapsed or refractory classical hodgkin lymphoma who have failed autologous stem cell transplant (asct) or following at least two prior therapies when asct is not a treatment option. urothelial carcinomakeytruda as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma in adults who have received prior platinum containing chemotherapy. keytruda as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma in adults who are not eligible for cisplatin containing chemotherapy and whose tumours express pd l1 with a combined positive score (cps) ≥ 10. head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (hnscc)keytruda, as monotherapy or in combination with platinum and 5 fluorouracil (5 fu) chemotherapy, is indicated for the first line treatment of metastatic or unresectable recurrent head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in adults whose tumours express pd l1 with a cps ≥ 1. keytruda as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in adults whose tumours express pd l1 with a ≥ 50% tps and progressing on or after platinum containing chemotherapy. renal cell carcinoma (rcc)keytruda, in combination with axitinib, is indicated for the first line treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma in adults. keytruda  as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adults with renal cell carcinoma at increased risk of recurrence following nephrectomy, or following nephrectomy and resection of metastatic lesions (for selection criteria, please see section 5. microsatellite instability high (msi-h) or mismatch repair deficient (dmmr) cancerscolorectal cancer (crc)keytruda as monotherapy is indicated for theadults with msi-h or dmmr colorectal cancer in the following settings:first line treatment of metastatic microsatellite instability high (msi h) or mismatch repair deficient (dmmr) colorectal cancer in adults;treatment of unresectable or metastatic colorectal cancer after previous fluoropyrimidine based combination therapy.  non-colorectal cancerskeytruda as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of the following msi h or dmmr tumours in adults with:advanced or recurrent endometrial carcinoma, who have disease progression on or following prior treatment with a platinum containing therapy in any setting and who are not candidates for curative surgery or radiation;unresectable or metastatic gastric, small intestine, or biliary cancer, who have disease progression on or following at least one prior therapy. oesophageal carcinomakeytruda, in combination with platinum and fluoropyrimidine based chemotherapy, is indicated for the first-line treatment of locally advanced unresectable or metastatic carcinoma of the oesophagus or her-2 negative gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma, in adults whose tumours express pd l1 with a cps ≥ 10. triple negative breast cancer (tnbc)keytruda, in combination with chemotherapy as neoadjuvant treatment, and then continued as monotherapy as adjuvant treatment after surgery, is indicated for the treatment of adults with locally advanced, or early stage triple negative breast cancer at high risk of recurrence. keytruda, in combination with chemotherapy, is indicated for the treatment of locally recurrent unresectable or metastatic triple negative breast cancer in adults whose tumours express pd l1 with a cps ≥ 10 and who have not received prior chemotherapy for metastatic disease. endometrial carcinoma (ec)keytruda, in combination with lenvatinib, is indicated for the treatment of advanced or recurrent endometrial carcinoma in adults who have disease progression on or following prior treatment with a platinum containing therapy in any setting and who are not candidates for curative surgery or radiation. cervical cancerkeytruda, in combination with chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab, is indicated for the treatment of persistent, recurrent, or metastatic cervical cancer in adults whose tumours express pd l1 with a cps ≥ 1. gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction (gej) adenocarcinomakeytruda, in combination with trastuzumab, fluoropyrimidine and platinum-containing chemotherapy, is indicated for the first-line treatment of locally advanced unresectable or metastatic her2-positive gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma in adults whose tumours express pd-l1 with a cps ≥ 1.

Prialt Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


esteve pharmaceuticals gmbh - ziconotide - injections, spinal; pain - analġeżiċi - ziconotide huwa indikat għall-kura ta 'uġigħ sever u kroniku f'pazjenti li jeħtieġu analġeżija intrateġika (it).

Jevtana Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sanofi winthrop industrie - cabazitaxel - neoplasmi prostatiċi - aġenti antineoplastiċi - jevtana flimkien ma 'prednisone jew prednisolone huwa indikat għall-kura ta' pazjenti b'kanċer metastatiku tal-prostata refrattorju ormonali li qabel kien ikkurat b'regimen li fih docetaxel.

Tulissin Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


virbac s.a. - tulathromycin - antibacterials għal użu sistemiku - cattle; pigs; sheep - cattle: treatment and metaphylaxis of bovine respiratory disease (brd) associated with mannheimia haemolytica, pasteurella multocida, histophilus somni and mycoplasma bovis susceptible to tulathromycin. il-preżenza tal-marda fil-merħla għandha tiġi stabbilita qabel it-trattament metaphylactic. treatment of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (ibk) associated with moraxella bovis susceptible to tulathromycin. pigs: treatment and metaphylaxis of swine respiratory disease (srd) associated with actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, pasteurella multocida, mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, haemophilus parasuis and bordetella bronchiseptica susceptible to tulathromycin. il-preżenza tal-marda fil-merħla għandha tiġi stabbilita qabel it-trattament metaphylactic. the product should only be used if pigs are expected to develop the disease within 2–3 days. nagħaġ: trattament tal-istadji bikrija ta 'pododermatite infettiva (taħsir tas-sieq) assoċjat ma' dichelobacter nodosus virulenti li jeħtieġ trattament sistemiku.

Draxxin Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


zoetis belgium sa - tulathromycin - antibacterials għal użu sistemiku - pigs; cattle; sheep - baqar: it-trattament u metaphylaxis tal-marda respiratorja fil-bovini (brd) assoċjata ma ' mannheimia haemolytica, pasteurella multocida, histophilus somni u mycoplasma bovis sensittivi għal tulathromycin. il-preżenza tal-marda fil-merħla għandha tiġi stabbilita qabel it-trattament metaphylactic. kura ta 'keratokonjunctivitis bovina infettiva (ibk) assoċjata ma' moraxella bovis sensittiva għal tulathromycin. Ħnieżer: it-trattament u l-metaphylaxis tal-marda respiratorja fil-majjali (srd) assoċjata ma ' actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, pasteurella multocida, mycoplasma hyopneumoniae u haemophilus parasuis bordetella bronchiseptica sensittivi għal tulathromycin. il-preżenza tal-marda fil-merħla għandha tiġi stabbilita qabel it-trattament metaphylactic. draxxin għandu jintuża biss jekk il-majjali huma mistennija li jiżviluppaw il-marda fi żmien 2-3 ijiem. nagħaġ: trattament tal-istadji bikrija ta 'pododermatite infettiva (taħsir tas-sieq) assoċjat ma' dichelobacter nodosus virulenti li jeħtieġ trattament sistemiku.

Edistride Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astrazeneca ab - dapagliflozin propanediol monohydrate - diabetes mellitus, type 2; heart failure, systolic; heart failure; renal insufficiency, chronic - drogi użati fid-dijabete - type 2 diabetes mellitusedistride is indicated in adults and children aged 10 years and above for the treatment of insufficiently controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus as an adjunct to diet and exerciseas monotherapy when metformin is considered inappropriate due to intolerance. barra minn hekk għall-prodotti mediċinali oħra għat-trattament tad-dijabete tat-tip 2. for study results with respect to combination of therapies, effects on glycaemic control, cardiovascular and renal events, and the populations studied, see sections 4. 4, 4. 5 u 5. heart failureedistride is indicated in adults for the treatment of symptomatic chronic heart failure. chronic kidney diseaseedistride is indicated in adults for the treatment of chronic kidney disease.

Dafiro Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


novartis europharm limited - l-amlodipina, valsartan - pressjoni għolja - aġenti li jaġixxu fuq is-sistema renin-angiotensin - trattament ta 'ipertensjoni essenzjali. dafiro huwa indikat f'pazjenti li l-pressjoni tad-demm mhijiex ikkontrollata adegwatament bl-amlodipina jew valsartan monoterapija.