Accero? Stent - Stent, vascular, intracranial

Country: Awstralja

Lingwa: Ingliż

Sors: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Ixtrih issa

Disponibbli minn:

AA-Med Pty Ltd


Class III

Manifatturat minn:

Acandis GmbH Theodor-Fahrner-Strasse 6, Pforzheim, 75177 Germany

Żona terapewtika:

46352 - Stent, vascular, intracranial

Indikazzjonijiet terapewtiċi:

Accero? is a self-expanding, braided, fully radiopaque stent with three additional radiopaque markers at both the distal and proximal end of the stent and one radiopaque marker in the middle of the stent. The stent is preloaded onto a transport wire with an introducer. The J-tip of the transport wire, as well as one distal and one proximal transport wire marker are also radiopaque. The distal transport wire marker indicates until where it is possible to reposition the stent. The Accero? stent is intended for use with embolisation materials in the treatment of intracranial aneurysms.

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