Efficib Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp and dohme b.v - sitagliptin, metformīns hidrohlorīds - cukura diabēts, 2. tips - cukura diabēts - pacientiem ar 2. tipa cukura diabētu:efficib ir norādīts kā palīglīdzekli, lai diētu un vingrinājumiem, lai uzlabotu glycaemic kontroles pacientiem nepietiekami kontrolē par to maksimālā pieļaujama devu metformīns atsevišķi vai tām, kas jau tiek ārstēti ar kombināciju sitagliptin un metformīns. efficib ir norādīts kombinācijā ar sulfonilurīnvielas pamata, (es. trīskāršās kombinācijas terapija), kā palīglīdzekli, lai diētu un vingrošanu pacientiem nepietiekami kontrolē par to maksimālā pieļaujama devu metformīns un sulfonilurīnvielas pamata. efficib ir norādīts kā triple kombinēto terapiju ar ppar agonistu (i. a thiazolidinedione) kā palīglīdzekli, lai diētu un vingrošanu pacientiem nepietiekami kontrolē par to maksimālā pieļaujama devu metformīns un ppar agonistu. efficib ir arī norādīts, kā pievienot uz insulīna i. , triple kombinēto terapiju), kā palīglīdzekli, lai diētu un vingrinājumiem, lai uzlabotu glycaemic kontroles pacientiem, ja tās ir stabilas devas insulīna un metformīns vien nenodrošina pietiekamu kontroles glycaemic.

Trevaclyn Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp dohme ltd - laropiprant, nikotīnskābe - dislipidēmijas - lipīdu modificējoši aģenti - dyslipidaemia, īpaši pacientiem ar kombinēto jaukto dyslipidaemia (raksturīgs paaugstināts triglicerīdu un zema high-density-lipoproteīna (hdl) zemākā-density-lipoproteīna (zbl) holesterīns ārstēšana ir indicēts trevaclyn holesterīna līmenis) un pacientiem ar primāro hypercholesterolaemia (heterozygous ģimenisko un ģimenisko). trevaclyn nevajadzētu lietot pacientiem kombinācijā ar 3-hidroksi-3-metil-glutaryl-co-enzīmu-a (hmg-coa)-reduktāzes inhibitori (statins), kad pazemina holesterīna līmeni, ietekmi hmg-coa-reduktāzes-inhibitors monotherapy ir neadekvāta. to var izmantot kā monotherapy tikai pacientiem, kuriem hmg-coa-reduktāzes inhibitoriem tiek uzskatītas par nepiemērotām vai nav pieļaujama. diēta un citi vērtspapīri ar farmakoloģisku ārstēšanu e. vingrošana, svaru samazināšana) ir jāturpina terapijas laikā ar trevaclyn.

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Noxafil Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp and dohme b.v - posaconazole - candidiasis; mycoses; coccidioidomycosis; aspergillosis - antimycotics sistēmiskai lietošanai - noxafil gastro-resistant tablets are indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adults (see sections 4. 2 un 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosisnoxafil gastro-resistant tablets are indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in paediatric patients from 2 years of age weighing more than 40 kg and adults (see sections  4. 2 un 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products;- fusariosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or in patients who are intolerant of amphotericin b;- chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma in patients with disease that is refractory to itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of itraconazole;- coccidioidomycosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b, itraconazole or fluconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products. refractoriness ir definēta kā progresēšanu infekcijas vai nespēja uzlabot pēc vismaz 7 dienas pirms terapijas devas efektīvs pretsēnīšu terapija. noxafil gastro-resistant tablets are also indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following paediatric patients from 2 years of age weighing more than 40 kg and adults (see sections 4. 2 un 5. 1):- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- hematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil oral suspension for use in oropharyngeal candidiasis.  noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adults (see sections 4. 2 un 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosisnoxafil concentrate for solution for infusion is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adult and paediatric patients from 2 years of age (see sections 4. 2 un 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products;- fusariosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or in patients who are intolerant of amphotericin b;- chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma in patients with disease that is refractory to itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of itraconazole;- coccidioidomycosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b, itraconazole or fluconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products. refractoriness ir definēta kā progresēšanu infekcijas vai nespēja uzlabot pēc vismaz 7 dienas pirms terapijas devas efektīvs pretsēnīšu terapija. noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion is also indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following adult and paediatric patients from 2 years of age (see sections 4. 2 un 5. 1):- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- hematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease (gvhd) and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil oral suspension for use in oropharyngeal candidiasis.  noxafil gastro resistant powder and solvent for oral suspension is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in paediatric patients from 2 years of age (see sections 4. 2 un 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products;- fusariosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or in patients who are intolerant of amphotericin b;- chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma in patients with disease that is refractory to itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of itraconazole;- coccidioidomycosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b, itraconazole or fluconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products. refractoriness ir definēta kā progresēšanu infekcijas vai nespēja uzlabot pēc vismaz 7 dienas pirms terapijas devas efektīvs pretsēnīšu terapija. noxafil gastro-resistant powder and solvent for oral suspension is indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following paediatric patients from 2  years of age:- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high  risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- haematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease and who are at high  risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion and the gastro-resistant tablets for use in primary treatment of invasive aspergillosis. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil oral suspension for use in oropharyngeal candidiasis.  noxafil oral suspension is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adults (see section 5. 1):- invazīvās aspergillosis pacientiem ar slimību, kas ir ugunsizturīgi, lai amfotericīna b vai itraconazole, vai pacientiem, kuri nepanes no šīm zālēm;- fusariosis pacientiem ar slimību, kas ir ugunsizturīgi, lai amfotericīna b, vai pacientiem, kuri nepanes no amfotericīna b;- chromoblastomycosis un mycetoma pacientiem ar slimību, kas ir ugunsizturīgi, lai itraconazole, vai pacientiem, kuri nepanes no itraconazole;- coccidioidomycosis pacientiem ar slimību, kas ir ugunsizturīgi, lai amfotericīna b, itraconazole vai fluconazole, vai pacientiem, kuri nepanes no šīm zālēm;- orofaringālas kandidoze: kā pirmās līnijas terapija pacientiem, kuriem ir smagas slimības vai pat cilvēkiem ar traucētu imūnsistēmu, kuriem atbildes uz aktuāliem terapija ir sagaidāms, ka būs slikti. refractoriness ir definēta kā progresēšanu infekcijas vai nespēja uzlabot pēc vismaz 7 dienas pirms terapijas devas efektīvs pretsēnīšu terapija. noxafil oral suspension is also indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following patients:- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- hematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion and the gastro-resistant tablets for use in primary treatment of invasive aspergillosis.

Pelzont Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp dohme ltd - laropiprant, nikotīnskābe - dislipidēmijas - lipīdu modificējoši aģenti - pelzont ir indicēts, lai ārstētu dyslipidaemia, īpaši pacientiem ar kombinētu sajauc dyslipidaemia (raksturīgs paaugstināts zema blīvuma-lipoproteīnu (zbl) holesterīna un triglicerīdu līmeni un zemu augsta blīvuma-lipoproteīnu (abl)holesterīns) un pacientiem ar primāro hypercholesterolaemia (heterozigotu ģimenes un ārpus ģimenes). pelzont nevajadzētu lietot pacientiem kombinācijā ar 3-hidroksi-3-methylglutaryl-koenzīms-a (hmg-coa)-reduktāzes inhibitori (statins), kad pazeminot holesterīna līmeni ietekme hmg-coa-reduktāzes inhibitoru monotherapy ir neadekvāta. to var izmantot kā monotherapy tikai pacientiem, kuriem hmg-coa-reduktāzes inhibitoriem tiek uzskatītas par nepiemērotām vai nav pieļaujama. diēta un citi vērtspapīri ar farmakoloģisku ārstēšanu e. vingrošana, svaru samazināšana) ir jāturpina terapijas laikā ar pelzont.

Rebetol Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp and dohme b.v - ribavirīns - c hepatīts, hronisks - antivirals for systemic use, antivirals for treatment of hcv infections - rebetol ir indicēts kombinācijā ar citām zālēm pieaugušo pacientiem hroniska c hepatīta (chc) ārstēšanai. rebetol ir norādītas kopā ar citām zālēm, lai ārstētu hronisku c hepatītu (chc) par pediatrijas pacientiem (bērniem 3 gadu vecuma un vecākiem un pusaudžiem), kas agrāk nav ārstēti un bez aknu decompensation.