Innovax-ND-IBD Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


intervet international b.v. - Šūnu saistītie dzīvot rekombinantā turcija herpesvirus (celms hvp360), izsakot kodolsintēzes proteīna atrastu vīrusu, un vp2 proteīna ibd vīruss - putnu herpes vīruss (marek slimības) + putnu infekcijas bursal sērgas vīrusu (gumboro slimība) + ņūkāslas slimības vīrusa/paramiksovīruss - chicken; embryonated chicken eggs - for active immunisation of one-day-old chicks or 18-19-day-old embryonated chicken eggs:to reduce mortality and clinical signs caused by newcastle disease (nd) virus,to prevent mortality and to reduce clinical signs and lesions caused by infectious bursal disease (ibd) virus,to reduce mortality, clinical signs and lesions caused by marek’s disease (md) virus.

Innovax-ND-ILT Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


intervet international b.v. - cell-associated live recombinant turkey herpesvirus (strain hvt/ndv/ilt) expressing the fusion protein of newcastle disease virus and the glycoproteins gd and gi of infectious laryngotracheitis virus - imunoloģisks aves - embryonated chicken eggs; chicken - for active immunisation of one-day-old chicks or embryonated chicken eggs:to reduce mortality and clinical signs caused by newcastle disease (nd) virus,to reduce mortality, clinical signs and lesions caused by avian infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus and marek’s disease (md) virus.

BIO-MD-VAC dziļi saldēta vakcīna ar šķīdinātāju injekcijām Latvija - latviešu - Pārtikas un veterinārais dienests, Zemkopības ministrija

bio-md-vac dziļi saldēta vakcīna ar šķīdinātāju injekcijām

fatro s.p.a., itālija - herpesvirus vistas - dziļi saldēta vakcīna ar šķīdinātāju injekcijām - vistas

Ultifend ND IBD Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

ultifend nd ibd

ceva-phylaxia veterinary biologicals co. ltd - turkey herpes virus, strain rhvt/nd/ibd, expressing the fusion protein of newcastle disease virus and the vp2 protein of infectious bursal disease virus, live recombinant - imunoloģisks aves - embryonated chicken eggs; chicken - for the active immunisation of one-day-old chicks or 18-day-old chicken embryonated eggs to reduce mortality, clinical signs and lesions caused by newcastle disease virus (ndv) and to reduce virus shedding; to reduce mortality, clinical signs and bursa lesions caused by very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv); to reduce mortality, clinical signs and lesions caused by classical marek’s disease virus (mdv).

Vaxxitek HVT+IBD Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

vaxxitek hvt+ibd

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - rekombinanto turcija herpesvirus, celms vhvt013-69, dzīvot - immunologicals par aves, vistas, immunologicals - embryonated eggs; chicken - aktīvās imunizācijas cāļu:lai novērstu nāves gadījumu, un, lai samazinātu klīniskās pazīmes un bojājumi, infekcijas slimību bursal. lai samazinātu mirstību, klīniskās pazīmes un bojājumi mareka slimība.

Purevax RC Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rc

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus (fhv f2 strain), inactivated feline calicivirosis antigens (fcv 431 and g1 strains) - immunologicals par kaķveidīgo, - kaķi - active immunisation of cats aged eight weeks and older:against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs. onsets of immunity isone week after primary vaccination course. the duration of immunity is one year after primary vaccination course and three years after the last re-vaccination.

Purevax RCP FeLV Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rcp felv

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus (fhv f2 strain), inactivated feline calicivirosis antigens (fcv 431 and g1 strains), attenuated feline panleucopenia virus (pli iv), felv recombinant canarypox virus (vcp97) - immunologicals par kaķveidīgo, - kaķi - active immunisation of cats aged 8 weeks and older:against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs ;against feline panleucopenia to prevent mortality and clinical signs;against leukaemia to prevent persistent viraemia and clinical signs of the related disease. onsets of immunity are 1 week after primary vaccination course for rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleucopenia components, and 2 weeks after primary vaccination course for feline leukaemia component. the duration of immunity is one year after the last re-vaccination for the feline leukaemia component, and one year after primary vaccination course and three years after the last re-vaccination for the rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and panleucopenia components.

Purevax RCPCh Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rcpch

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus (fhv f2 strain), inactivated feline calicivirosis antigens (fcv 431 and g1 strains), attenuated chlamydophila felis (905 strain), attenuated feline panleucopenia virus (pli iv) - immunologicals par kaķveidīgo, - kaķi - active immunisation of cats aged eight weeks and older:• against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;• against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs;• against chlamydophila felis infection to reduce clinical signs;• against feline panleucopenia to prevent mortality and clinical signs. imūnsistēmas sākums ir pierādīts vienu nedēļu pēc primārās vakcinācijas kursa rinotraheīta, kalicivīrusa, chlamydophila felis un panleikopēnijas sastāvdaļām. the duration of immunity is one year after the last re-vaccination for the chlamydiosis component, and oneyear after primary vaccination and three years after the last re-vaccination for the rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and panleucopenia components.

Prevexxion RN+HVT+IBD Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

prevexxion rn+hvt+ibd

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - live recombinant marek’s disease virus, serotype 1, strain rn1250; live recombinant turkey herpesvirus, expressing the vp2 protein of infectious bursal disease virus, strain vhvt013-69 - immunologicals for aves, domestic fowl, avian herpes virus (marek's disease) + avian infectious bursal disease virus (gumboro disease) + newcastle disease virus/paramyxovirus - cālis - for active immunisation of one-day-old chicks to prevent mortality and clinical signs and reduce lesions caused by marek’s disease (md) virus (including very virulent md virus), and to prevent mortality, clinical signs and lesions caused by infectious bursal disease (ibd) virus.

Eurican Herpes 205 Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

eurican herpes 205

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - suņu herpesvīruss (f205 celms) antigēni - imūnsistēmas attiecībā uz cūku dzimtas zivīm - suņi - kuces aktīvā imunizācija, lai novērstu mirstību, klīniskās pazīmes un bojājumus kucēnos, kas rodas no suņu herpes vīrusu infekcijām, kas iegūtas dažās pirmās dzīves dienās.