Zolsketil pegylated liposomal Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

zolsketil pegylated liposomal

accord healthcare s.l.u. - doxorubicin hydrochloride, liposomal - ovarian neoplasms; sarcoma, kaposi; multiple myeloma - doxorubicin - zolsketil pegylated liposomal is a medicine used to treat the following types of cancer in adults:• breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body in patients at risk of heart problems. zolsketil pegylated liposomal is used on its own for this disease;• advanced ovarian cancer in women whose previous treatment including a platinum-based cancer medicine has stopped working;• multiple myeloma (a cancer of the white blood cells in the bone marrow), in patients with progressive disease who have received at least one other treatment in the past and have already had, or are unsuitable for, a bone marrow transplantation. zolsketil pegylated liposomal is used in combination with bortezomib (another cancer medicine);• kaposi’s sarcoma in patients with aids who have a very damaged immune system. kaposi’s sarcoma is a cancer that causes abnormal tissue to grow under the skin, on moist body surfaces or on internal organs. zolsketil pegylated liposomal contains the active substance doxorubicin and is a ‘hybrid medicine’. this means that it is similar to a ‘reference medicine’ containing the same active substance called adriamycin. however, in zolsketil pegylated liposomal the active substance is enclosed in tiny fatty spheres called liposomes, whereas this is not the case for adriamycin.

Doxorubicin Pliva 2 mg/ml otopina za injekciju/infuziju Hrvatska - hrvatski - HALMED (Agencija za lijekove i medicinske proizvode)

doxorubicin pliva 2 mg/ml otopina za injekciju/infuziju

pliva hrvatska d.o.o., prilaz baruna filipovića 25, zagreb - doksorubicinklorid - otopina za injekciju/infuziju - 2 mg/ml - urbroj: 1 ml otopine za injekciju/infuziju sadrži 2 mg doksorubicinklorida

Myocet liposomal (previously Myocet) Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

myocet liposomal (previously myocet)

teva b.v. - doksorubicin hidroklorid - neoplazme dojki - antineoplastična sredstva - myocet liposomal, u kombinaciji s ciklofosfamid, dizajniran je za prvu liniju terapije метастатического raka dojke kod odraslih žena.

Adcetris Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


takeda pharma a/s - Брентуксимаб ведотин - lymphoma, non-hodgkin; hodgkin disease - antineoplastična sredstva - hodgkin lymphomaadcetris is indicated for adult patients with previously untreated cd30+ stage iv hodgkin lymphoma (hl) in combination with doxorubicin, vinblastine and dacarbazine (avd). adcetris is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with cd30+ hl at increased risk of relapse or progression following autologous stem cell transplant (asct). Адцетриса indiciran za liječenje odraslih pacijenata s relaps ili vatrostalne cd30+ limfom Ходжкина (ЛХ):nakon terapije, orfollowing barem dva do terapije nakon terapije ili мультиагентной kemoterapije-to nije opcija liječenja . sistem анапластическая крупноклеточная lymphomaadcetris u kombinaciji s ciklofosfamid, doksorubicin i prednizon (chp) je prikazana za odrasle pacijente s prethodno liječenih liječenje sistemske анапластической veliki stanica limfoma (salcl). Адцетриса indiciran za liječenje odraslih pacijenata s relaps ili vatrostalne salcl. kožni t-stanica lymphomaadcetris indiciran za liječenje odraslih bolesnika s cd30+ stanica kožni t limfom (ctcl), nakon što je najmanje 1 do sistemske terapije.