דואודופה ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health


abbvie biopharmaceuticals ltd, israel - carbidopa as monohydrate; levodopa - ג'ל - levodopa 20 mg/ml; carbidopa as monohydrate 5 mg/ml - levodopa - levodopa - treatment of advanced levodopa-responsive parkinson's disease with severe motor fluctuations and hyper-/dyskinesia when available combinations of parkinson medicinal products have not given satisfactory results. a positive test of the clinical response to duodopa administered via a temporary nasoduodenal tube is required before a permanent tube is inserted.

סטאלבו   10025200 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סטאלבו 10025200 מג

inovamed pharma ltd, israel - carbidopa; entacapone; levodopa - טבליות מצופות פילם - levodopa 100 mg; carbidopa 25 mg; entacapone 200 mg - levodopa - levodopa - treatment of patients with parkinson's disease and end-of-dose motor fluctuations not stabilised on levodopa/dopa decarboxylase (ddc) inhibitor treatment.

סטאלבו 12531.25200 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סטאלבו 12531.25200 מג

inovamed pharma ltd, israel - carbidopa as monohydrate; entacapone; levodopa - טבליות מצופות פילם - levodopa 125 mg; entacapone 200 mg; carbidopa as monohydrate 31.25 mg - levodopa - levodopa - treatment of patients with parkinson's disease and end-of-dose motor fluctuations not stabilised on levodopa/dopa/decarboxylase (ddc) inhibitor treatment.

סטאלבו   5012.5200 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סטאלבו 5012.5200 מג

inovamed pharma ltd, israel - carbidopa; entacapone; levodopa - טבליות מצופות פילם - levodopa 50 mg; carbidopa 12.5 mg; entacapone 200 mg - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - treatment of patients with parkinson's disease and end-of-dose motor fluctuations not stabilised on levodopa/dopa decarboxylase (ddc) inhibitor treatment.

סטאלבו   15037.5200 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סטאלבו 15037.5200 מג

inovamed pharma ltd, israel - carbidopa; entacapone; levodopa - טבליות מצופות פילם - levodopa 150 mg; carbidopa 37.5 mg; entacapone 200 mg - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - treatment of patients with parkinson's disease and end-of-dose motor fluctuations not stabilised on levodopa/dopa decarboxylase (ddc) inhibitor treatment.

סינמט CR ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סינמט cr

organon pharma israel ltd., israel - carbidopa as monohydrate; levodopa - טבליות בשחרור מבוקר - levodopa 200 mg; carbidopa as monohydrate 50 mg - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - idiopathic parkinson's disease. postencephalitic parkinsonism. symptomatic parkinsonism. to reduce "off" time in patients previously treated with levodopa/decarboxylase inhibitor preparations, or with levodopa alone, who have had motor fluctuations characterized by end-of-dose deterioration ("wearing-off" phenomenon), peak dose dyskinesias, akinesia, or similar evidence of short-duration motor disturbances.

סטאלבו 7518.75200 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סטאלבו 7518.75200 מג

inovamed pharma ltd, israel - carbidopa as monohydrate; entacapone; levodopa - טבליות מצופות פילם - carbidopa as monohydrate 18.75 mg; entacapone 200 mg; levodopa 75 mg - levodopa - levodopa - treatment of patients with parkinson's disease and end-of-dose motor fluctuations not stabilised on levodopa/dopa/decarboxylase (ddc) inhibitor treatment.

דופיקר ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health


teva israel ltd - carbidopa; levodopa - טבליה - levodopa 250 mg; carbidopa 25 mg - levodopa - levodopa - for the relief of symptoms associated with parkinson's disease.

דופיקר ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health


teva pharmaceutical industries ltd, israel - carbidopa; levodopa - טבליה - levodopa 250 mg; carbidopa 25 mg - levodopa - levodopa - for the relief of symptoms associated with parkinson's disease.

דואודופה ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health


abbvie biopharmaceuticals ltd, israel - carbidopa as monohydrate; levodopa - ג'ל - levodopa 20 mg/ml; carbidopa as monohydrate 5 mg/ml - levodopa