Thiotepa Riemser Unión Europea - español - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

thiotepa riemser

esteve pharmaceuticals gmbh - tiotepa - hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; neoplasms - agentes antineoplásicos - thiotepa riemser is indicated, in combination with other chemotherapy medicinal products:with or without total body irradiation (tbi), as conditioning treatment prior to allogeneic or autologous haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (hpct) in haematological diseases in adult and paediatric patients;when high dose chemotherapy with hpct support is appropriate for the treatment of solid tumours in adult and paediatric patients. thiotepa riemser is indicated, in combination with other chemotherapy medicinal products:with or without total body irradiation (tbi), as conditioning treatment prior to allogeneic or autologous haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (hpct) in haematological diseases in adult and paediatric patients;when high dose chemotherapy with hpct support is appropriate for the treatment of solid tumours in adult and paediatric patients.

RESERPINA 0,25 mg CAPSULAS Venezuela - español - Instituto Nacional de Higiene

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NIESER LITE Argentina - español - SANI (Asociación de Cooperativas Argentinas)

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nieser - vitaminas minerales anabolicos y otros - aves; bovinos; equinos; ovinos; porcinos;

DUTASTERIDA APOTEX AG 0,5 MG CAPSULAS BLANDAS EFG España - español - AEMPS (Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios)

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apotex europe b.v. - dutasterida - excipientes: butilhidroxitolueno,glicerol - fÁrmacos usados en la hipertrofia prostÁtica benigna - inhibidores de la testosterona 5-alfa reductasa - dutasterida