Cochlear Nucleus Replacement Magnet Cassette - Cochlear implant implantable magnet

País: Australia

Idioma: inglés

Fuente: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Disponible desde:

Cochlear Ltd


Class III

Fabricado por:

Cochlear Ltd 1 University Avenue, MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY, NSW, 2109 Australia

Área terapéutica:

62601 - Cochlear implant implantable magnet

indicaciones terapéuticas:

Holds the coil of the external sound processor firmly against the recipient?s head via magnetic attraction, and thus provides correct alignment between the implant coil and sound processor coil to ensure efficient power and data transfer. To replace an implantable magnet cassette, or temporary non-magnetic cassette after MRI examinations, in order to allow external sound processor coils to be magnetically attached and aligned with the cochlear implant coil.

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