Nevanac Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση - Ελληνικά - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


novartis europharm limited - nepafenac - pain, postoperative; ophthalmologic surgical procedures - Οφθαλμολογικά - nevanac is indicated for: , prevention and treatment of postoperative pain and inflammation associated with cataract surgery;, reduction in the risk of postoperative macular oedema associated with cataract surgery in diabetic patients.

NEVANAC 1MG/ML EY.DRO.SUS Ελλάδα - Ελληνικά - Εθνικός Οργανισμός Φαρμάκων

nevanac 1mg/ml ey.dro.sus

alcon laboratories ltd, u.k - nepafenac - ΟΦΘΑΛΜΙΚΕΣ ΣΤΑΓΟΝΕΣ, ΕΝΑΙΩΡΗΜΑ - 1mg/ml - ΦΑΡΜΑΚΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΪΟΝ