Nerlynx Den Europæiske Union - dansk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pierre fabre medicament - neratinib - bryst neoplasmer - antineoplastiske midler - nerlynx er indiceret til forlænget adjuverende behandling af voksne patienter med tidlige fase hormon receptor positiv her2-overexpressed/forstærket brystkræft, og som er mindre end ét år fra afslutningen af forudgående adjuvans trastuzumab baseret terapi.

Piqray Den Europæiske Union - dansk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


novartis europharm limited  - alpelisib - bryst neoplasmer - antineoplastiske midler - piqray er indiceret i kombination med fulvestrant til behandling af postmenopausale kvinder, og mænd, med hormon receptor (hr)-positiv, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (her2)-negative, lokalt fremskreden eller metastatisk brystkræft med en pik3ca mutation efter sygdommens progression følgende endokrine behandling som monoterapi (se afsnit 5.

Eucreas Den Europæiske Union - dansk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


novartis europharm limited - vildagliptin, metformin-hydrochlorid - diabetes mellitus, type 2 - drugs used in diabetes, combinations of oral blood glucose lowering drugs - eucreas is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycaemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus:in patients who are inadequately controlled with metformin hydrochloride alone. in patients who are already being treated with the combination of vildagliptin and metformin hydrochloride, as separate tablets. in combination with other medicinal products for the treatment of diabetes, including insulin, when these do not provide adequate glycaemic control.

Icandra (previously Vildagliptin / metformin hydrochloride Novartis) Den Europæiske Union - dansk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

icandra (previously vildagliptin / metformin hydrochloride novartis)

novartis europharm limited - vildagliptin, metformin-hydrochlorid - diabetes mellitus, type 2 - drugs used in diabetes, combinations of oral blood glucose lowering drugs - icandra is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycaemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus:in patients who are inadequately controlled with metformin hydrochloride alone. in patients who are already being treated with the combination of vildagliptin and metformin hydrochloride, as separate tablets. in combination with other medicinal products for the treatment of diabetes, including insulin, when these do not provide adequate glycaemic control (see sections 4. 4, 4. 5 og 5. 1 for tilgængelige data på forskellige kombinationer).

Zomarist Den Europæiske Union - dansk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


novartis europharm limited  - vildagliptin, metformin-hydrochlorid - diabetes mellitus, type 2 - narkotika anvendt i diabetes - zomarist is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycaemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus:in patients who are inadequately controlled with metformin hydrochloride alone. in patients who are already being treated with the combination of vildagliptin and metformin hydrochloride, as separate tablets. in combination with other medicinal products for the treatment of diabetes, including insulin, when these do not provide adequate.

Vildagliptin / Metformin hydrochloride Accord Den Europæiske Union - dansk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

vildagliptin / metformin hydrochloride accord

accord healthcare s.l.u. - metformin hydrochloride, vildagliptin - diabetes mellitus, type 2 - narkotika anvendt i diabetes - vildagliptin/metformin hydrochloride accord is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycaemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus:- in patients who are inadequately controlled with metformin hydrochloride alone. - in patients who are already being treated with the combination of vildagliptin and metformin hydrochloride, as separate tablets. - in combination with other medicinal products for the treatment of diabetes, including insulin, when these do not provide adequate glycaemic control (see sections 4. 4, 4. 5 og 5. 1 for tilgængelige data på forskellige kombinationer).

Bravecto Den Europæiske Union - dansk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


intervet international b.v - fluralaner - ectoparasiticides til systemisk brug, isoxazolines - dogs; cats - hunde:- til behandling af kryds og loppe angreb;produktet kan bruges som en del af en behandlingsstrategi for kontrol af loppe allergi dermatitis (fad). - til behandling af demodicosis forårsaget af demodex canis;- til behandling af sarcoptic skab (sarcoptes scabiei var. canis) angreb. - for reduction of the risk of infection with babesia canis canis via transmission by dermacentor reticulatus. [chewable tablets only]cats:- for the treatment of tick and flea infestations;the product can be used as part of a treatment strategy for the control of flea allergy dermatitis (fad). - til behandling af angreb med øremider (otodectes cynotis).

Halocur Den Europæiske Union - dansk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


intervet international bv - halofuginon - antiprotozomidler - kalve, nyfødte - i nyfødte calvesprevention af diarré på grund af diagnosticeret cryptosporidium parvum i bedrifter med historie cryptosporidiosis. administration skal starte i de første 24 til 48 timer. reduktion af diarré på grund af diagnosticeret cryptosporidium parvum. administration skal starte inden for 24 timer efter indtræden af ​​diarré. i begge tilfælde er reduktionen af ​​oocyst udskillelse påvist.