Zalmoxis Evropská unie - čeština - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


molmed spa - alogenních buněk t geneticky modifikovaný retroviral vektor kódování pro zkrácené podobě lidské nízkou afinitu receptorů nervový růstový faktor (Δlngfr) a herpes simplex virus thymidinkinasu (hsv-tk mut2) - hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; graft vs host disease - antineoplastická činidla - zalmoxis je indikován jako adjuvantní léčba při transplantaci haploidentických hematopoetických kmenových buněk (hsct) dospělých pacientů s vysoce rizikovými hematologickými malignitami.

Trecondi Evropská unie - čeština - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


medac gesellschaft für klinische spezialpräparate mbh - treosulfan - transplantace hematopoetických kmenových buněk - antineoplastická činidla - treosulfan in combination with fludarabine is indicated as part of conditioning treatment prior to allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allohsct) in adult patients and in paediatric patients older than one month with malignant and non-malignant diseases.

Horse Allo 20 Evropská unie - čeština - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

horse allo 20

centauri biotech sl - alogenní koní tukové odvozené mezenchymálních kmenových buněk - koně - pro léčbu osteoartrózy v dospělé produkci potravin koně.

Blincyto Evropská unie - čeština - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


amgen europe b.v. - blinatumomab - prekurzorová buněčná lymfoblastická leukémie-lymfom - antineoplastická činidla - blincyto is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of adults with cd19 positive relapsed or refractory b precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (all). patients with philadelphia chromosome positive b-precursor all should have failed treatment with at least 2 tyrosine kinase inhibitors (tkis) and have no alternative treatment options. blincyto is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of adults with philadelphia chromosome negative cd19 positive b-precursor all in first or second complete remission with minimal residual disease (mrd) greater than or equal to 0. blincyto is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of paediatric patients aged 1 year or older with philadelphia chromosome negative cd19 positive b precursor all which is refractory or in relapse after receiving at least two prior therapies or in relapse after receiving prior allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. blincyto is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of paediatric patients aged 1 year or older with high-risk first relapsed philadelphia chromosome negative cd19 positive b-precursor all as part of the consolidation therapy (see section 4.

Arti-Cell Forte Evropská unie - čeština - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

arti-cell forte

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - chondrogenic vyvolané koní alogenní periferní krve-odvozené mezenchymálních kmenových buněk, - jiné léky na poruchy muskuloskeletálního systému - koně - snížení mírné až středně závažné opakující se kulhání spojené s non-septický zánět kloubů u koní.

Phelinun Evropská unie - čeština - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


adienne s.r.l. s.u. - melphalan hydrochloride - multiple myeloma; hodgkin disease; lymphoma, non-hodgkin; precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia-lymphoma; leukemia, myeloid, acute; neuroblastoma; ovarian neoplasms; hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - antineoplastická činidla - high-dose of phelinun used alone or in combination with other cytotoxic medicinal products and/or total body irradiation is indicated in the treatment of:multiple myeloma,malignant lymphoma (hodgkin, non-hodgkin lymphoma),acute lymphoblastic and myeloblastic leukemia,childhood neuroblastoma,ovarian cancer,mammary adenocarcinoma. phelinun in combination with other cytotoxic medicinal products is indicated as reduced intensity conditioning (ric) treatment prior to allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-hsct) in malignant haematological diseases in adults. phelinun in combination with other cytotoxic medicinal products is indicated as conditioning regimen prior to allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in haematological diseases in the paediatric population as:myeloablative conditioning (mac) treatment in case of malignant haematological diseasesric treatment in case of non-malignant haematological diseases.

Thiotepa Riemser Evropská unie - čeština - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

thiotepa riemser

esteve pharmaceuticals gmbh - thiotepa - hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; neoplasms - antineoplastická činidla - thiotepa riemser is indicated, in combination with other chemotherapy medicinal products:with or without total body irradiation (tbi), as conditioning treatment prior to allogeneic or autologous haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (hpct) in haematological diseases in adult and paediatric patients;when high dose chemotherapy with hpct support is appropriate for the treatment of solid tumours in adult and paediatric patients. thiotepa riemser is indicated, in combination with other chemotherapy medicinal products:with or without total body irradiation (tbi), as conditioning treatment prior to allogeneic or autologous haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (hpct) in haematological diseases in adult and paediatric patients;when high dose chemotherapy with hpct support is appropriate for the treatment of solid tumours in adult and paediatric patients.

IGAMPLIA 160MG/ML Injekční roztok Česká republika - čeština - SUKL (Státní ústav pro kontrolu léčiv)

igamplia 160mg/ml injekční roztok

instituto grifols, s.a., barcelona ŠpanĚlsko - 1683 normÁlnÍ lidskÝ imunoglobulin pro intramuskulÁrnÍ podÁnÍ - injekční roztok - 160mg/ml - imunoglobuliny, normÁlnÍ lidskÉ, pro extravaskulÁrnÍ aplikaci

Simulect Evropská unie - čeština - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


novartis europharm limited - basiliximab - graft rejection; kidney transplantation - imunosupresiva - simulect je indikován k profylaxi akutní varhany odmítnutí v de-novo alogenní transplantace ledvin u dospělých a pediatrických pacientů (1-17 let). to má být užíván současně s cyklosporinem pro mikroemulzi a kortikosteroidy jako založené na imunosupresi, u pacientů s panel reaktivní protilátky, méně než 80%, nebo v trojkombinaci udržovacího imunosupresivního režimu, který je složen z cyklosporinu pro mikroemulzi, kortikosteroidů a buď azathioprinu, nebo mofetil-mykofenolátu.

Flebogamma DIF (previously Flebogammadif) Evropská unie - čeština - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

flebogamma dif (previously flebogammadif)

instituto grifols s.a. - normální lidský imunoglobulin - mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome; guillain-barre syndrome; bone marrow transplantation; purpura, thrombocytopenic, idiopathic; immunologic deficiency syndromes - imunitní séra a imunoglobuliny, - replacement therapy in adults, children and adolescents (0-18 years) in: , primary immunodeficiency syndromes with impaired antibody production;, hypogammaglobulinaemia and recurrent bacterial infections in patients with chronic lymphocytic luekaemia, in whom prophylactic antibiotics have failed;, hypogammaglobulinaemia and recurrent bacterial infections in plateau-phase-multiple-myeloma patients who failed to respond to pneumococcal immunisation;, hypogammaglobulinaemia in patients after allogenic haematopoietic-stem-cell transplantation (hsct);, congenital aids with recurrent bacterial infections. , immunomodulation in adults, children and adolescents (0-18 years) in: , primary immune thrombocytopenia (itp), in patients at high risk of bleeding or prior to surgery to correct the platelet count;, guillain barré syndrome;, kawasaki disease.